When you are working as a digital marketer and launching your own campaign online, not getting blocked by Facebook for breaking posting rules is the biggest task. You might just end up violating and be sent away to Facebook jail.

What is Facebook Jail, you ask? In the urban terminology, the process of being blocked by Facebook for any given reason is known as, the Facebook Jail.

To help you understand better, today we have decided to list all the ways you understand what is Facebook jail and how to avoid it. Following these tips will help you still be a successful marketer of your brand. So here are our few basic tips!


1. Less Is More


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When you post new content, you will have an urge to share it with as many people as possible. That is not too wise as that will certainly make you eligible for a good old blocking from the Facebook Managers.

A simple way to get out of Facebook jail 2020 is to get added as the company page in all the pages and groups where your brand and promotions would be relevant. Once you are sure that your product will be welcomed by the community, you should share your fresh content on these pages.

Here, it will be picked up quickly by a large number of people and it will an ideal place for you to promote your content organically. The members of these groups are far more likely to like your page and try out your products.


2. Say No To Plagiarism


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These days, everyone knows every other brand so avoid blatant copying and forgetting what is Facebook jail. Whether it is written content or the graphic designing of the posters or even Facebook jail memes, it is important to stay original at all times.

A simple way to do that is not to refer back to one idea; instead, look at a few of the brands that you like and copy their concepts in one place. If you pick small appealing features from all of the brands and develop your brand standard, then the content will not be plagiarized.


3. Tag With Care


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You are supposed to make from 7 to 12 tags at best for every post. Avoid making more than one hashtag that mainly means the same thing. It will disrupt the interest of the reader. Focus on making a list of hashtags that are permanent for your brand and always add them with every post. You’ll never have to worry about what is Facebook jail.

Now make a list of hashtags that are relevant to your individual posts and make sure that they are added as well. That way, you will cover all the bases and will have a strong hashtag list.


4. No Shortcuts


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You know all the rules of Facebook algorithm and now you are trying to find loopholes in it. Well, you are not the first one to try that. Facebook Managers are humans who are tasked with finding the loopholes.

You will be blocked by Facebook because you will eventually be caught. And also, isn’t it easier to simply try and develop a strategy that is legitimate and you are allowed to explore it? It is certainly better than clinging to a dead-end algorithmic loophole that gives you extremely limited options.


5. No Multiple Accounts For One Person


In other words, say no to fake accounts. Most people don’t take ‘what is Facebook jail’ warning seriously. But thanks to the advanced algorithms, fake accounts are really easy for Facebook to detect but more importantly, users recognize them in an instant. Now that they have realized that the post is coming from a fake account, they will attach your brand with fake accounts.

It is also possible that someone who is a regular user calls you out for having a fake account. Now, you have to explain how you are not a fake account or the brand name of your company will genuinely come into question. And also, fake accounts are generally blocked by Facebook Managers.


6. Act Consistently


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Posting twice a day every day for six months is far better than posting twenty times in twenty minutes and then vanishing for six months. It is better to pre-schedule the posts that you have designed for a full month and spread them out evenly.

The users have a tendency to trust the pages that post regularly and consistently. Whether you are promoting a brand or launching your own Facebook page, it is better to know how to have a long term social media plan and carefully execute it.


7. Don’t Spam


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If you are doing outreach or putting an ad out, it is good not to spam the other people to death. They heard you the first time, no need to repeat it twenty times; it will only make people hateful of your campaign.

And again, it is also a great way to go right behind the Facebook bars. You will be blocked by the algorithm if you post the same content more than five times. But mainly, it is a bad strategy because it makes you look weak.


8. Avoid Commenting And Liking Too Fast


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You are doing community outreach and want the users to like your page. Pandering is not going to make them like your content. Facebook users have no concept of quid pro quo; they do not like back the content of people who like their content.

Be original and eye-catching and have a positive way to give feedback. Unless it is a question by a potential customer, always only reply to all general conversations once or twice a day. Otherwise, it looks like an amateur is sitting at the seat.

Also, make sure to finish with simple sentences and do not start conversations online when you are representing a brand. That can make you look extremely unprofessional. Avoid responding to negative comments unless you can turn the statement into a positive response.


9. Don’t Post More Than Five Times A Day


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When people don’t know about what is Facebook jail, they might not even know why they ended in there in the first place. It could be the content crime. Even if you have too much content just sitting around, it is highly advisable to not post content more than five times a day. As we said earlier, it is good not to post more than twice a day but five times a day is the limit. You post more often than that and people will think you are not serious.

We wish we could scare you with a blocking rule but Facebook will allow you to post endlessly, you can post a hundred times a day and see if Facebook cares. But too much posting may lead to your users reporting you as a spammer. That is one way for you to get blocked due to insistent posting habits. For that reason, try using some social media tools to regulate your posting. It’ll help a lot!


10. Always Be Available


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When it comes to customer service and responding to customer questions, be as vigilant as you can be. Customers are used to being responded to within a day. If you can respond sooner than that, it will be greatly appreciated.

If you have made a sale to a customer, then keep in touch with them even more regularly. If they have a complaint about your product and you are not available, they are likely to report you. These are the most authentic kinds of complaints and the Facebook Managers will take them very seriously.


Facebook Jail Isn’t The Best Place To Land Inside

So here are the basic ways to not get spammed but many of these ways are also a good way to get respect in the social media circuit. In the modern world, tracking the content of a brand is surprisingly easy.

Every time someone puts your brand’s name in the search bar, your entire content comes out in the search results. If you are not developing content that makes a consistent and high-quality impact in the long run, then your brand efforts are all going to waste.

Most of the negative comments and negative ratings for a brand online come from poor social media marketing efforts. If you are effective in promoting your content professionally then your brand identity on social media will be spotless.

By now, you must’ve learned what Facebook jail is and how to avoid it. There are many other small points but practice makes perfect. You will be better able to understand these rules when you implement them in your social media campaigns.

Always remember that a free campaign that actually interests your customers is far better than the party tricks you read online. A simple organic campaign that will allow your customers to understand your product and see your brand style regularly is the best medicine. A good strategy to avoid Facebook jail is by making sure that your campaign is organic and high quality. Best of luck!